2024-2025 Calendar
This calendar includes holiday breaks, special events, rehearsals and performances. Dates are subject to change so keep checking back. More detailed times, locations, etc. will be given as events get closer.
Make sure to always check emails, bulletin board in lobby, check-in with your student’s teachers, and visit the website frequently to stay up-to-date on any studio information!! If you do not receive emails from us, check your spam folder and/or make sure to get a better email address attached to your account, by editing your personal account information through your Parent Portal. For our older students, we have had requests to add the student’s email to our mailing list as well as the parent’s. If this is something you would like to do, simply add the student’s email address with their personal account information within your same Parent Portal.
10 - Last day of Summer Session classes
11-25 - Studio CLOSED Summer Break
26 - First day of Fall/Spring ‘24-’25 session
2 - Studio CLOSED for Labor Day
21 - At the Ballet Day
5 - Auditions for our Christmas Production
5 - Last day to OPT-OUT of Christmas Production
12 - Saturday Rehearsals for our Christmas Production BEGIN
24-30 - Halloween Week
31 - Studio CLOSED for Halloween
9 - “Snow Queen” tickets go on sale
24-30 - Studio CLOSED for Thanksgiving Break
10 - Christmas Production Tech rehearsal
13 - Christmas Production Dress Rehearsal
14 - Christmas Production Performances at 2:00 & 6:00
16-21 - Open House Week
16-21 - Ballet Bun decorating contest
22-Jan 4 - Studio CLOSED for Christmas Break
6 - Spring Session BEGINS
18 - Auditions for Spring Production (Ballet levels 4+)
25 - Panda Express Fundraiser Day
31 - Last day to OPT-OUT of Spring Production
1 - “Echoes of the Heart” Performance
23 - Panera Bread Fundraiser Night
14 - Rehearsal for St. Patrick’s Day Parade
15 - City of Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade
28 - Friday Tap Rehearsals for Spring Production BEGIN (Tap 1-3)
29 - Saturday Ballet Rehearsals for Spring Production BEGIN (Upper Ballet Levels)
6-12 - Studio CLOSED for Spring Break
3, 10, 17 - FULL Cast Rehearsals for Spring Performance
18 - Picture Day
26 - Studio CLOSED for Memorial Day
27 - Tech Rehearsal for Spring Production (Ballet 2-7)
30 - Dress Rehearsal for Spring Production (Ballet 1-7)
31 - Spring Production Performance at 2:00 & 6:30
2-7 - Studio CLOSED for Summer Break
9 - Summer Session BEGINS
23 - Guest Teacher Workshop
4 - Studio CLOSED for Independence Day
14-18 - Dance Camp
21-25 - Anastasis Company Week
28 - Guest Teacher Workshop
2 - Last day of Summer Session