What a great time to get those pictures of your dancers in their Spring Performance costumes!
May 4, between the hours of 9:30am-3:00pm
We have hired a professional photographer to come to the studio for individual, buddy, and/or group pictures. The photographer will have with them ways in which you can order the pictures.
There will be a signup through SignupGenius, linked below, for you to sign up for a time slot(s) you wish to be at. We ask that each slot be for 1 costume per student. If your dancer has multiple costumes they wish to take pictures in, please do NOT choose back-to-back time slots. This gives your student time to change into their next costume, without having to disrupt the timing of the following scheduled dancers.
Because the costumes are rented, we will have your costumes at the studio ready for you for when it is your time slot. All you need is your nude leotard, pink tights, pink Ballet shoes, and hair in your neat Ballet bun. If you are taking Tap pictures, you will need your nude leotard, tan tights, black tap shoes, and hair in the proper height ponytail. Your dancer should have makeup on as well, so they don’t get washed out in their pictures.