Christmas Production has been announced! Check out the Events Page for more information!

2024 Christmas Production

“Snow Queen”

The time has come to begin our preparations for our Christmas production of “Snow Queen”! This year's show will consist of 2 performances on December 14, 2:00 & 6:00.

“Snow Queen” is put on by the students of Radiance School of Ballet. ALL of our students* are automatically signed up to participate in this production. Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended they participate as it is a great opportunity for their Ballet training, and it is always a ton of fun!! Should you not be able to participate, you will need to OPT-OUT by Oct. 5, by sending us an email to classes@radianceballet.com.

*Our Adult students are not automatically enrolled in the Christmas Production, but do let us know if you would like to participate! We are always excited when our Adult students participate as well!


We will be holding auditions for our Ballet 3-7 students for this year’s Christmas production of “Snow Queen”. This is a vital part in casting the different main roles of the Ballet, as well as for the overall experience of our upper level students’ training. Auditions are very common practice in the Ballet world and we feel it best for our students to experience what that looks like in professional Ballet companies outside of our studio.

October 5, from 9:45am-12:15pm at Radiance

Students must sign-up by October 4

Students participating in the audition will be given a short Ballet technique class, followed by pointe and acting skills. We will be evaluating how the students not only do on their own, but also how they interact with/compliment other dancers. Students' attendance at the audition does not guarantee them a lead role in the performance.

Please Register your student(s) through your Parent Portal, by clicking on Classes & Events at the top of your Dashboard, then Find Events.


Rehearsals will NOT take place during your child's regular class time. Every participating dancer will be required to attend a weekly rehearsal in addition to their regular weekly class/classes. These mandatory rehearsals will be on Fridays, for Tap, beginning Oct. 11, and Saturdays, for Ballet, beginning Oct. 12.

The final 3 Saturday Rehearsals are mandatory FULL CAST Ballet run-throughs on November 16, November 23, and December 7. These run-throughs involve the entire Ballet and Tap cast, and we have broken down the rehearsal times to coincide with the run time of the Ballet, so that your dancer is at the studio during their section of the Ballet.

Parent volunteers will be needed for these 3 full Ballet run-throughs. Keep an eye out for Sign-up Genius requests being emailed.


Tech Rehearsal Tuesday, December 10 from 4:00-7:00pm (NO Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, or Ballet 1) at Las Positas College Theater

Dress Rehearsal Friday, December 13 from 5:30-8:00pm (NO Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, or Ballet 1) at Las Positas College Theater

Performances Saturday, December 14 at 2pm (Cast A) and 6:00pm (Cast B) at Las Positas College Theater


The participation fee for “Snow Queen” is $125 per dancer, plus $65 per each additional class/dance (students in Ballet 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and/or Tap have potential to be in two or more pieces). Our Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, and Ballet 1 levels will be double cast, meaning those students will only be participating in 1 performance time.

We will be posting Cast lists after our Auditions have finished and we have compiled our level participation numbers, so check back. For Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet & Ballet 1, please make sure you are available for both shows as we cannot guarantee which show your child will be assigned. We do our best to put siblings in the same shows. Our staff places students in the performance times due to many different factors, so making adjustments once the casts are posted is very difficult, and we ask that you understand that we most likely won’t be able to make any accommodations.

This participation fee covers the student’s class choreography, all rehearsal times, costume rental, as well as a digital download of the performance.


With an understanding that most of our students do choose to participate in our productions, and in an effort to streamline the sign-up process, every student, except for our Adult Ballet program, is automatically signed up to participate in recital.

Your recital fee will be charged to your card on file on October 6, 2024.  


If you decide that your student will not be participating in recital, you must let the office know by email (classes@radianceballet.com) by October 5. Failure to decline participation will result in your card being charged for your participation fee. If no communication is received, Radiance will understand that you are giving authorization to charge your participation fee to your card on file. 

Participation in all classes is highly recommended. Should your student wish to participate in only certain classes that they attend, this must also be communicated to the office by 10/5. Failure to do so will result in them being included in all of their class dances. 


In the event that you must withdraw from recital after 10/5, you will not receive a refund in whole or in part. Our fees go toward securing the theater rental, as well as paying our teachers for their time and dedication to the students, costume upkeep/replacements, set upkeep/refurbishments, we thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter!


We do very much appreciate and need help from you, parents/family! We had some great help this past Spring performance, but are always in need of even more help for each new session and performance! We are opting to present an incentive for your volunteering, where if you volunteer for 1 area of need, you will receive a $15 discount on your participation fee, and if you volunteer for 2 areas of need, you will receive a $30 discount on your participation fee. The maximum discount is $30, even though you are more than welcome to volunteer more than 2 times.

We have many areas of need, and will be emailing Sign-up Genius requests, so that you may sign-up. Once the volunteering area has been fulfilled, we will credit your account the appropriate amount.

Some areas include, but not limited to:

  • Promoting the studio and/or performances and events

  • Helping with studio Events; Splatter, Farmer’s Markets, etc.

  • St. Patrick’s Day Parade banner holder

  • Costuming - mending/steaming/adding embellishments

  • Rehearsals

    • keeping students quiet and focused during Saturday Full Cast rehearsals

    • checking students in and out of rehearsals

  • Backstage

    • bringing dancers to and from the dressing room to the stage

    • assisting in dressing rooms with bathroom breaks, helping get in/out of costumes

    • Set load-in/out and moving sets during performances

  • Front of House

    • Handing out programs

    • helping with Concession sales during Intermission and after performances

    • checking students in and out of theater rehearsals/performances


Tickets will go on sale, sometime in November. Stay tuned!

Tickets range from $22-33/seat, wheelchair accessible seating is available. You can purchase your tickets through our Website, where you will be assigned the next best available seating in your desired section. Should you wish to pick your seats, you will need to still purchase online, and then come into our studio office during regular office hours to choose your seats.

Radiance School of Ballet    -    classes@radianceballet.com    -    www.radianceballet.com

Radiance School of Ballet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under it’s parent company of Anastasis Ballet Company